CBBC’s Super Human Challenge TV show will continue this week as the series looks to compare and contrast various physiological parameters of humans who display ‘Super Human’ characteristics. The show aims to uncover humans “who defy science” – and it is the shows presenter Tim Fitzhigham who will test their abilities against his own.

Shimmer Sensors for Objective Assessment
Shimmer’s technology is used for a number of the experiments that will feature in the show. One of the experiments will see the stress levels of an air force pilot being compared to the stress levels of an ordinary person when driving a high speed race car around a track.

For this experiment Accelerometer and GSR parameters were measured using Shimmer wearable wireless sensors as well as the heart rate readings of the participants.
Where to Watch the Show
The show provides an excellent showcase of the latest in wearable and wireless sensing applications, and while it is of interest to all age groups, it is a great way to stimulate children’s interest in science.
The show is aired weekly on CBBC each Wednesday at 5.45pm (GMT), and Shimmer is featured in episodes 3 and 4 on the 13th and 20th of February.
For more details on broadcast times, visit the show’s webpage.
For more information regarding the use of Shimmer’s wearable wireless sensors for physiological monitoring contact us via email: info@shimmer-research.com