To support the continuing improvement of our Bluetooth streaming solutions Shimmer has now released BTStream firmware which is available to application developers and website members. It incorporates various changes and improvements to the previously available streaming firmware from Shimmer (boilerplate firmware).
The new firmware will offer more control to Shimmer users and allow them to maximize Shimmers performance in their specific sensing application. The firmware improves the features associated with using Bluetooth and will be of benefit for those who wish to capture data and transmit it in real-time to a host device.
Some of the new features include:
- Added support for EMG and ECG values
- STOP_STREAMING_COMMAND synchronous with respect to the sample period
- Improved support for magnetometer use
- Active GSR resistor included
- Elimination of GSR resistance value spikes
- Single command to retrieve all sensors calibration values
- Improved support for LED indicator use
- Support for GET_BLINK_LED and SET_BLINK_LED commands
- Support for variable data buffer size
In conjunction with the BTStream firmware release we have also updated and improved our instrument drivers:

Each of the above instrument drivers now include:
• Battery monitoring/Low battery notification
• Improved GSR calibration
• Support for stored ECG and EMG calibration values
• Reading FW Version from Shimmer
• Improved HR calculation (8bit to 16bit)
For users developing with C#:

We have also made changes to the ShimmerConnect and the C# source code. ShimmerConnect implements the same features and functionality associated with other instrument drivers as well as the reading of calibration parameters from Shimmer memory and the plotting and logging of calibrated data.
To avail of the changes that have been made to these instrument drivers please visit the relevant page below: