Shimmer recently launched the All New Shimmer3 platform and just last month saw the release of the GSR+ module, the first Biophysical module for the 3rd generation of Shimmer sensors. Following on from this Shimmer is pleased to announce that the much anticipated Multi Shimmer Sync for SD v1.0x is now available to purchase from our e-store.
This software application for Windows machines, offers users a chance to synchronize and capture data from multiple Shimmer sensors without being bound by limitations of real-time data transmission. MSS for SD will be tailored to those wishing to work in data logging scenarios and will allow the synchronization of multiple sensors in autonomous data capture sessions.
Removing Capture Restrictions
Multi Shimmer Sync for SD offers users the freedom to conduct data capture sessions without the need to be in range of the host-side device. The application does this by maximizing the potential of the microSD card installed in a Shimmer unit with an intuitive interface for synchronizing data logging scenarios.
With this application there is no limit to the number of sensors that can be used to log data. As there is an upper limit of 7 sensors for Bluetooth data capture, Multi Shimmer Sync for SD offers the potential to capture data from an unlimited amount of Shimmer units.
Step by Step Set-Up
Multi Shimmer Sync for SD includes a simple interface for configuring logging capture sessions with multiple sensors (Configure, Import, Export, Review). Users can configure individual sensors, adjust the sampling rate, enable or disable sensors or set the accelerometer range, all from the applications elegant control panel.

The application saves users time when setting up a trial as user preferences can be saved and a capture scenario can be re-loaded at a later date.
This application as with all Shimmer data capture tools outputs data in a standard tab delimited text file which is compatible with standard signal processing and productivity applications. Users also have the choice to export data in raw or calibrated format when using this software application.

Support for new hardware
Shimmer’s commitment to the advancement of body worn sensing is highlighted by the release of MSS for SD v1.0x as this new application includes support for the all new Shimmer3 platform, which boasts 10DoF as well as a choice of two accelerometers (Wide Range Accelerometer and Low Noise Accelerometer). Multi Shimmer Sync for SD will offer users the chance to maximize Shimmer’s performance in autonomous data capture sessions.
Purchase and Availability
Multi Shimmer Sync for SD v1.0x is available from today for both new and current MSS users. The listed price for this software for first time purchasers will be at €299 (Individual), €569 (Group), €749 (Organization).
To purchase or upgrade to Multi Shimmer Sync for SD v1.0x, or learn more about the license agreement visit the application’s page in the Shimmer store by clicking here.
Multi Shimmer Sync for Android v2.x
Shimmer has also made the latest version of Multi Shimmer Sync for Android available to purchse from the Shimmer e-store. The updates now offer users more flexibility when configuring data capture sessions and include the option to select custom sampling rates as per the users application requirements.
Current users of MSS software can upgrade their license and avail of Multi Shimmer Sync for Android v2.x for a fee of €30 (Individual), €50 (Group), €80 (Organization). To visit the Mulit Shimmer Sync for Android product page click here.